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rameau's ramblings

A reader who’ll try anything once, including bad books in search of good ones. Eclectic as her tastes are, she tends to gravitate to historical romances, realistic contemporaries, and some fantasy novels.

Currently reading

The Complete Sherlock Holmes (The Heirloom Collection)
Arthur Conan Doyle, Simon Vance
Progress: 13 %
Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila

Alaston kuolema

Alaston kuolema - J.D. Robb,  Satu Leveelahti Murder mystery set in near future—year 2058—a jaded cop, and a rich but dashing suspect. The romance aspect is of the usual Nora Roberts quality—entertaining but nothing special—as is the mystery part—nothing beats Agatha Christie.I’ve heard Roarke praised as a swoon-worthy love interest but I didn’t see it. I thought he had all the qualities needed to get through Eve’s defences, but Roberts rushed the physical aspect of their relationship and almost turned Roarke into a rapist. Almost. The mystery is simplistic and the culprit is quite easily deduced from the first moment [s]he makes an appearance. I appreciated the link to Eve’s past but in a way I felt like it was trivialising a serious issue.The absolute best part of the reading experience was—for me—figuring out what had been going on around 93–95 when Roberts was writing this book and how she’d imagine the future. I’ll probably continue with the series just to see how the world evolves as the years progress and what it’s like now that we’re twenty years closer to 2058 than when the author first wrote about the characters.